TL;DR- We are open. As long as I have orders, supplies, and my mail carrier comes and picks up your out going packages.
Ok I have been asked a couple times if I am still open, and processing orders. The answer is yes, as of right now.
I am located in Southern California, no major outbreak near me, and all is good right now.
As long as my supplies hold out or I am able to receive re-supply (even Amazon is prioritizing shipments); I will process orders. However, some of the surrounding counties have issued “Shelter in Place” orders. Heading to the Post Office is not on the list of “essentials” exempt from those orders.
So expect some delays, please be patient. The best bet for up to date information is the Big Bully Gaming Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/BigBullyGaming/ Check there for follow ups to this ever changing event. Or just stop by and say hi, cuz my kids are off school, and I am stuck with them at home. LOL
UPDATE- 03/20/2020
As of last night the Gov put the State of CA under “Safe at Home” order. Basically quarantine, all non-essential businesses are to close. That does not really affect Big Bully Gaming, since it is run from my home. The Post Office is open, and the Safe at Home rules do allow me to travel to and from the Post Office.
What does affect me, and thereby you, is how often I go to the Post Office. I used to go everyday as part of my normal work day, effecive immediately, I will only be going once a week, in order to limit my personal exposure/risk.
Orders will still be processed, and postage applied as they always have, the delay will come with the physical act of actually going to the post office. There may be some exceptions for smaller parcels that will fit (and are under the weight limit) in the local Post Box, as it is just down the street.
On the positive side of things, anticipating the lock down, and wanting to stay open during the mandated “Safe at Home,” I was able to aquire all the supplies I normally get from local vendors yesterday, and ordered extra tokens from my supplier on the East Coast, that assured me they would remain open for internet orders.
So please be patient, be safe, and take care of yourself and each other.
Oh…and wash your hands.
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